LK Commands Recipes Enchants Resource pack About


/message [target] [message] "Sends a message to a specific player."

Land Claiming

/claim "Will claim the chunk the player is in for -$1000."

/unclaim "Will unclaim your claim and give you +$1000."

/claimShow "Green = Not Claimed, Red = Others Claim, Gold = Your claim"


/balance "Will show how much money you have."

/baltop "Shows the people with the most money on the server."

/pay [target] [amount] "Pay another player."


/tpa [player] "Will ask a player if you can teleport to them."

/sethome "Sets your home location."

/home "Teleports you to your home if you have one created."

/spawn "Teleports you to the server spawn."

/wild "Teleports you to a random location."

/back "Teleports you to your last location."


/shop "Opens the shop GUI."

/enderchest "Opens the enderchest GUI."

/workbench "Opens the workbench GUI."

/clear "Will clear your inventory."

/hat "Puts the item in your hand on your head."


/suicide "Kills you."

/rules "Shows the server rules."

/ping "Will get your ping to the server."

/ping [target] "Will get a player's ping to the server."